In Loving Memory of Theo Schroeder

It is with deep, personal sadness we write today in memory of Facing Forward board member, Theo Schroeder, who recently and unexpectedly passed away.

In addition to serving on our board, Theo was a client in our program. He took his work as a board member personally. As a member of our Program Committee, he helped us ensure that our work as a board was always about the people. Budgets, policies, and fundraisers can easily become the focus, but with Theo’s help, we never forgot that Facing Forward exists because we have neighbors who need our help. Theo understood that we all have a unique story to tell, we all have value as human beings, and we all need the benefits of mutually supportive community.

Theo was an example to us. Every day we wake up with a choice to make about the attitude we will bring to the day. All of us have wounds, experience sadness, and face challenges. Theo chose to harness life’s challenges for good. He used his personal experience to make the world a little brighter for those around him. We thank you, Theo, for making that choice.

Theo ended his time with us in his own bed, in his own apartment, a man of deep and expressed faith, connected to those he loved. He finished well, reaching out to help his neighbors along the road. May it be as true for the rest of us. As a testament to his impact, the following statements are from fellow board members upon hearing of his passing:

“I feel grateful to have known Theo for the brief time I did. I found him to be so genuine, humble, and thoughtful. He always contributed so greatly to every board discussion.”

“Theo was a very supportive voice in this group and in the community. I cannot but be hopeful that Facing Forward can serve our clients a little better because of Theo’s support.”

“Theo was a warm, and energetic soul – and a wonderful face to represent our organization.”

“Theo’s passion to help others was inspirational and I am thankful for his presence in my life.”

If you are reading this letter, it is undoubtedly because you, like Theo, have been committed to making the world a little brighter. On behalf of Theo, and Facing Forward’s Board of Directors, please accept our gratitude for your choice to make the world a little brighter today.


Rev. Douglas Bradshaw
Executive Director

Julie Hamilton
Board President
